Kelston Intermediate School
Kelston Intermediate School
Ko au ko Kerehana, Ko Kerehana ko au
Office Hours: 8am - 3:30pm
Pepeha O Kerehana
Pepeha O Kerehana
Ko ngā Rau Pou ā Maki ngā maunga
Ko Te Whau te awa
Ko Waitematā te moana
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Onewherowhero te rohe
Ko Te Kawerau ā Maki te iwi
Ko Te Kura Takawaenga o Kerehana tōku kura
Vision - A Tātou Moemoeā
Vision - A Tātou Moemoeā
Empowering our ākonga through authentic learning experiences to become critically thinking rangatira enriched in identity, language and culture