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Our Vision and Values

At Kelston Intermediate we empowering our ākonga through authentic learning experiences to become critically thinking rangatira enriched in identity, language and culture.


We embrace Whakaute, Rangatiratanga me Whakaanga. This means we have ownership and control over our own thoughts and destinies, acknowledge the views and beliefs of others and become positive influences on society with our multi-facetted understanding of the world. 

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Kelston Intermediate students in Samoan attire performing at Kelifest

Nga Reo Rua -
Bilingual Pathways 

At Kelston Intermediate we see culture and language as a strength. We are immensely proud to offer our community three bilingual options, and by 2025 we will have them over 7 classes - three Māori bilingual classes, three Samoan bilingual classes and one Tongan bilingual class.

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Ngā Kakano Ka Puawai i te reo Māori - Māori Bilingual Classes

We are a whānau that believe in our tamariki who will: Kia tipu ngā rangatahi o Kerehana i roto i Te Ao Māori, ngā kawa, ngā tikanga me te reo Māori. Ka whakamana i ngā iwi katoa. Ko ngā tauira ki te pito o ngā whakaakoranga katoa. Ka āta poipoi i a rātou kia manaaki i te taha tinana (Physical well-being), te taha hinengaro (Mental and emotional well-being), te taha whānau (Social well-being) me te taha wairua (Spiritual well-being). Kia puta rātou hei rangatira ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama.

Kelston Intermediate Kapa Haka student
Fakatoukatea - Tongan Bilingual Class

In Fakatoukatea, students will develop an understanding of the Tongan language and of anga fakatonga. They will progress in verbal and non-verbal communication skills in Tongan for a range of purposes, experience the text and visual symbols of the Tongan culture and discover ways to be creative and expressive in Tongan. Our vision is to inspire our Tongan students to learn within a context where they will be able to embrace, share and implement their anga-fakatonga. Students will grow to be secure in their Tongan identity, language and culture.

Kelston Intermediate students in Tongan attire at Kelifest
Ulimasao - Samoan Bilingual Classes

Learners in Ulimasao develop an understanding of gagana Samoa ma le aganu’u fa’a-Samoa (Samoan language and Samoan culture) within our class, our Kelston community, New Zealand and Samoa. Our learning community uses their knowledge of gagana Samoa ma le aganu’u fa’a-Samoa to process information and communicate through role-play, singing, dancing and the arts to acquire skills that are extended to other curriculum areas. Students develop a sense of identity within their Samoan heritage.

Kelston Intermediate students in Samoan attire at Kelifest
Kelston Intermediate student hanging off playground equipment smiling at the camera

Learning at 
Kelston Intermediate

All of our classes are mixed ability, composite Year 7 and Year 8. This enables tuakana-teina relationships, with our Year 8 students taking on leadership roles and guiding our Year 7 students.

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Localised Curriculum

Mathematics, English, Science, Social Sciences, Technology, Health and Physical Education, The Arts and Languages are taught through a localised curriculum. This means our students use learning resources which are relevant to their experiences, culture, our local community and history. Using this localised approach, our Literacy and Numeracy programmes are also designed to cater for a wide range of levels and abilities. Through inquiry-based learning students are empowered to think critically about the world around them.

Kelston Intermediate student smiling at the camera while working in class
TOPS (To our own potential programmes)

All students take part in our TOPS programme where they are given the opportunity to explore their interests and talents with teachers and staff who share that interest and expertise. TOPS programmes cover areas such as performing arts, sports, visual arts, digital technology, languages, construction, science and environmental studies. Our teachers build strong relationships with our students so that they are best placed to support and extend their learning across the curriculum.

Kelston Intermediate student writing in class
Learning and Wellbeing Support

Students requiring extra help with their learning and wellbeing are supported within their classrooms by their teachers and teacher aides. Learning is tailored to meet the needs of the students, and individual plans are put in place and reviewed regularly. Students also have the support of other groups and agencies where needed, including access to a counsellor, social worker and specialist teachers.

Kelston Intermediate girls sitting together at lunchtime

Our Taumata

There are five levels of Taumata that our students work towards achieving during their time at Kelston Intermediate - Taumata Tahi through to Taumata Rima.


Taumata empowers our students to strive for excellence while celebrating their accomplishments and success within a cultural, social and academic journey. We celebrate students who have achieved their next Taumata on Whānau Day and at Hui a Taumata assemblies throughout the year.

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At Kelston Intermediate culture is a valued and integral part of our school. Our students are able to see, live and breathe who they are and where they come from.


All students are part of cultural groups and have opportunities to perform and lead cultural activities, not only within the school but also in the community.


Kelifest is an annual event where our students showcase their culture with all our local schools.

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A wide range of sports are offered for students to participate and compete in throughout the year. Our school has had great success in Western and Auckland zone competitions in Netball, Rugby, Tag, Hockey and League.


Each year 30 students are selected to train for and attend AAIMS Sports Camp, where Intermediate schools from around the country gather to take part in competitive sports and team-building activities.

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A wide range of sports are offered for students to participate and compete in throughout the year. Our school has had great success in Western and Auckland zone competitions in Netball, Rugby, Tag, Hockey and League.


Each year 30 students are selected to train for and attend AAIMS Sports Camp, where Intermediate schools from around the country gather to take part in competitive sports and team-building activities.

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Kelston Intermediate Auckland Rugby league champs
Kelston Intermediate boys posing in a group photo

Leadership Opportunities

Ngā Upoko Tauira - Prefects

Year 8 students are chosen by senior leaders for the roles of Upoko Tauira (Head Girl and Boy), Upoko Tauira Tuarua (Deputy Head Girl and Boy), Upoko Tinana (Sports), Upoko Wairua (Student Wellbeing), Upoko Hinengaro (Learning) and Upoko Whanau (Strengthening Connections). Students in these roles lead the school in assemblies, school activities and the day to day running of the school. They demonstrate leadership and strengths in all areas of our Taumata - socially, culturally and academically.


Class Prefects

Each class chooses two Classroom Prefects to represent them and their voice within the school. Class Prefects meet regularly with senior leadership and take on responsibilities within their classes and teams. 

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